Tools of the Trade, pt.7: Single-Field Dictionaries & Glossaries
Not so long ago, in February, I had a blog post that took a look at the different kinds of dictionaries that indexers might rely on. In it, I focused on the broad category of “dictionaries” to include language, biographical, and subject dictionaries.
There are also such things as single-field dictionaries, where the target audience is very specific, such as indexers or other information-science workers (e.g., librarians).
Single-Field Dictionaries & Glossaries
Dictionary of Basic Indexing Terms: A Translation Tool for Multilingual Indexers
*A summarization being a statement of the overall subject of a document and forming the basis of subject headings (for library catalogs) and a summary being a brief statement of the findings and conclusion presented in a document.
*Language characteristics include: the general characteristics of the language or language family in question, including word order and history; bibliolinguistics (i.e., book-related themes including the treatment of names, titles, books and volumes/editions, editorship, periodicity, etc.); alphabet (including phonetics/spelling rules); articles (e.g., definite, indefinite, partitive, etc.); and a basic overview of grammar including treatment/forms of nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, etc.
Each language section ends with a glossary of library-relevant terms such as “supplement,” “continuation,” “directory,” “index,” “volume,” etc.