Curriculum Vitae
Work Experience
VFJ Indexing & Word Services: Freelance Book Indexer, Abstract Writer, and Research & Editorial Services
(October 2021 - Present)Indexer: non-fiction books (10/2021 - Present)
Abstracter: NCJRS Virtual Library (1/2023 - Present)
Librarian/Indexer/Abstracter: IAEDP (07/2023 - 06/2024)
Legislative Indexer: Office of Legislative Services, Florida (2025)
Orange County Library System: Librarian (July - September 2021)
Oman Library at the Middle East Institute: Head Librarian
(January 2020 - July 2021)Alexandria Library: Sunday Library Assistant I
(April 2018 - December 2019)National Security Archive: Indexing Librarian (DNSA)
(April 2013 - December 2019)Freelance Book Indexer (December 2012 - December 2019)
Slavic Reference Service/Library at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC): Undergraduate & Graduate Hourly, and Graduate Assistant
(January 2008 - April 2013)Main Library at UIUC: Undergraduate Worker
(September - December 2007)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign — MLIS, 2012
Ankara University, TÖMER Language Institute, Turkey — Summer 2011 (U.S. Department of State Critical Languages Scholarship Program)
Turkish Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) score: Intermediate HighUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign — BA, 2009
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts & Sciences
Major: International Studies; focus: Business CommunicationUniversity of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain — Spring 2009
Study Abroad program
Professional Development
American Society for Indexing (ASI) Webinars
• Taxonomy Consulting • Indexing Biographies • Embedded Indexing • Indexes Locorum • Indexing Arabic Names • Current and Future Trends for Publishing and Indexing • Indexing Theology and Philosophy • Special Event: What’s in a Name? • Indexing Geographic Place-Names • Indexing Art Books • Biographical Metatopics • CINDEX Streamlining & Refining • Macros 3-Part Course
Courses & Certifications
Certificate of Completion - ASI Training Course
American Society for Indexing
Issued: September 2022Controlled Vocabularies and Taxonomies
Henry Stewart Events
Issued: March 2024
Select Bibliography
Published Book Indexes
Created the Index and provided limited editorial feedback. Index previews may be available via Amazon.
Saab, Bilal Y. “Rebuilding Arab Defense: US Security Cooperation in the Middle East,” Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2022
Lippman, Thomas W. “Hero of the Crossing: How Anwar Sadat and the 1973 War Changed the World,” Potomac Books, Inc. 2016
Alkalimat, Abdul, and Kate Williams, “Roots and Flowers: The Life and Work of the Afro-Cuban Librarian Marta Terry González,” Library Juice Press. 2015
For a complete list of books I have indexed, please contact me or click the following links to see…
…a complete list of books indexed in 2022;
…a complete list of books indexed in 2023.
Articles & Papers
Authored articles:
“Launching a Freelance Indexing Business: More to Do than You’d Think,” Key Words: Journal of the American Society for Indexing 30 no.2 (Summer 2022): 11,
Geared toward new indexers; describes the decision-making and process behind establishing a small business; and includes some resource links.
Authored & presented papers:
BOBCATSSS Library Conferences
2012 - Amsterdam: “Turkey - Access to Government Information - A Case Study” (p. 195-200)
Reviews Turkish progress in developing e-government from 1993 to [2012] by examining various efforts and factors which have played an important role in the process; examines several options that will aid Turkey in eliminating technical, cultural, and fiscal barriers in order to provide a greater number of its citizens with access to government information.
2013 - Ankara: “Deferred Processing: A Case Study Involving the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Library Backlog at UIUC” (p. 23-27)
Examines the workflow of the Slavic collection backlog reduction project at the UIUC library, and some of the challenges faced when processing materials in different alphabets that may be several decades old and from uncommon publishers. Consideration is given to libraries' ethical obligation to provide information to users and the possibilities of involving digitization of materials as part of the backlog reduction workflow.
American Society for Indexing (ASI)
Leader, History / Archaeology Special Interest Group (1/2022 - Present)
Leader, SouthEast Chapter (11/2022 - Present)
ACES: The society for editing
Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA)
Middle East Librarians Association (MELA)
Other Publications
Blog & Substack posts
Indexed & abstracted, declassified government documents published in Digital National Security Archive (DNSA); 2013 - 2019 (a ProQuest database)
2013: Mexico-United States Counternarcotics Policy, 1969-2013 & The CIA Family Jewels.
2014: The United States and the Two Koreas (1969-2000) & Electronic Surveillance and the National Security Agency: From Shamrock to Snowden.
2015: Nuclear History II, 1969-1976.
2016: Kissinger Conversations: Supplement II,1969-1977 & The President's Daily Brief: Kennedy, Johnson, and the CIA, 1961–1969.
2017: Targeting Iraq, Part I: 1997-2004 & Cuba-United States Dialogue, 1959-2016.
2018: CIA Covert Operations III: From Kennedy to Nixon, 1961-1974 & Soviet-U.S. Relations: The End of the Cold War, 1985-1991.
2019: Nuclear Nonproliferation 2, Part I: From Atoms for Peace to the NPT, 1954-1968 & Iran-U.S. Relations: 1977-Present.
Research and Resource Guides
Oman Library at MEI
Guide to Resources relating to MEI’s Virtual Art Show: Lebanon Then & Now (Summer 2020) to Resources relating to MEI’s Art Exhibit: In This Moonless Black Night (Spring 2021) to Resources relating to Human Rights (Spring 2021)
Guide to Resources relating to MEI’s Climate Week Conference (Spring 2021) resource guides that I created or edited may be found, here:
Slavic Reference Service (SRS)
Research Guide to Tajik Government Publications (September 2012) Guide (LibGuide) on Chekhov — co-author; (February 2013)
LibGuide Projects for GSLIS coursework
Cuban Missile Crisis: U.S. Government Information (Spring 2012)
(Link no longer available)Latin American Bibliography — contributing author (Summer 2012)